The idea is to prevent new users from registering and spamming up the member list without posting. Author: Robert Chapin (miqrogroove) License: GPL Step 1: memcp.php Find if ($action == 'profile') { Add Code Below // Hack: Minimum Posts to Add a Website define('MIN_POSTS_TO_ADD_SITE', 1); $disablesite = ''; $site = ''; if (intval($self['postnum']) < MIN_POSTS_TO_ADD_SITE) $disablesite = 'style="display:none;"'; Find $site = postedVar('newsite', 'javascript', TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); Replace with if (strlen($disablesite) == 0) $site = postedVar('newsite', 'javascript', TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); Step 2: Template memcp_profile Find $lang[textsite] Replace with $lang[textsite]