INCLUDE ADSENSE (OR) ANOTHER ADS IN BETWEEN POSTS OF A THREAD for XMB 1.9.11 ____________________________________________________________________________ Hack by Vamsee contribution : Mouser(special thanks :) ) Licensed under GPL, For working hack, check any thread in : FEEL FREE TO EDIT THIS HACK TO SUIT YOUR BOARD'S DESIGN AND REQUIREMENTS ____________________________________________________________ STEPS TO INCLUDE 'ADSENSE' IN BETWEEN POSTS OF A THREAD 1. create new template : viewthread_adsense COPY and Place YOUR ADSENSE or any other ADCODE HERE 2. edit viewthread.php FIND $tmoffset = ($timeoffset * 3600) + ($addtime * 3600); while($post = $db->fetch_array($querypost)) { REPLACE WITH $tmoffset = ($timeoffset * 3600) + ($addtime * 3600); $counter = 0; while($post = $db->fetch_array($querypost)) { $counter++; Find : eval('$posts .= "'.template('viewthread_post').'";'); Add above/below; if ( in_array($counter, $ADDnum) ) { eval('$posts .= "'.template('viewthread_adsense').'";'); } AND ADD THIS LINE AT THE TOP of the 'viewthread.php' $ADDnum = array(2 , 6 , 12); _________________________________________________________ THATS IT !!!! you will start seeing adsense running in all your threads after posts 2,6,12 etc. NOTE : You can adjust the ads placement by altering the numbers 2,6,12. Adsense will not display more than 3 ads per page, so it was limited to 3 ads per page view here.